Flowpipe CLI v0.3.0 – Human workflow, Slack and email messaging, Import Steampipe credentials, Concurrency controls.

Mar 05, 2024cli

What's new?

  • Workflow - message step for easy notifications. Documentation.
  • Workflow - input step for buttons, text and other data. Documentation.
  • Workflow - simple, reusable integration and notifier configuration for HTTP, Slack and Email. Documentation
  • Import Steampipe connections as Flowpipe credentials. Documentation.
  • Manage concurrency of pipelines and steps.
  • New credential types: alicloud and mastodon.
  • Shorter hash for HTTP triggers for simpler URLs.
  • DuckDB support in query step & trigger.
  • Step metadata, like started_at and finished_at added under a flowpipe attribute.
  • Moved flowpipe.db into the mod-level .flowpipe directory.
  • connection_string in query step and trigger renamed to database.


Bug fixes

  • log_level workspace setting is now respected (#618).
  • Default listen flag should be network, not localhost (#694)
  • Trigger attributes are now validated (#225).
  • Pipeline output attributes are now validated (#239).
  • Pipeline param default value data type is now validated against the specified type (#262).
  • Removed titles when merging multiple error messages (#263).
  • Runtime resolution of pipeline reference and credentials are now working correctly. (#732).
  • Scheduled triggers are now re-scheduled when mod files have changed.
  • File watcher reliability improvements.