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Flowpipe CLI v0.6.0 - New console integration for interactive workflows in the terminal.


What's new?

  • Interactive workflows in the terminal via console integration. Blog.
  • Simplified progress output for flowpipe pipeline run command when running in Client mode and not using the --verbose arg.
  • --data-dir parameter to specify the location of the event store database. (#852).
  • --execution-id parameter to specify custom execution id for pipeline run. (#856).
  • Update Go version to v1.22.4.

Bug fixes

  • Return a non-zero exit code if there's a failure. (#855).
  • loop block now respect the if step attribute. (#858).

Flowpipe GCP Thrifty Mod v0.1.0 – Added 22 detect and correct pipelines to identify unused and underutilized GCP resources


What's new?

  • Added 22 detect and correct pipelines to identify unused and underutilized GCP resources, as well as deprecated resource configurations. These pipelines also suggest potential remediation actions to optimize costs. For usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see GCP Thrifty Mod.

Flowpipe GCP Labels Mod v0.1.0 – Added 8 pipelines for detecting and correcting GCP Labels


What's new?

  • Detect and correct misconfigured labels across 8 GCP resource types.
  • Automatically add mandatory labels (e.g. env, owner).
  • Clean up prohibited labels (e.g. secret, key).
  • Reconcile shorthand or misspelled label keys to standardized keys (e.g. cc to cost_center).
  • Update label values to conform to expected standards, ensuring consistency (e.g. Prod to prod).

For detailed usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see GCP Labels Mod.

Flowpipe Azure Thrifty Mod v0.1.0 – Added 24 detect and correct pipelines to identify unused and underutilized Azure resources


What's new?

  • Added 24 detect and correct pipelines to identify unused and underutilized Azure resources, as well as deprecated resource configurations. These pipelines also suggest potential remediation actions to optimize costs. For usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see Azure Thrifty Mod.

Flowpipe Azure Tags Mod v0.1.0 – Added 55+ pipelines for detecting and correcting Azure Tags


What's new?

  • Detect and correct misconfigured tags across 55+ Azure resource types.
  • Automatically add mandatory tags (e.g. env, owner).
  • Clean up prohibited tags (e.g. secret, key).
  • Reconcile shorthand or misspelled tag keys to standardized keys (e.g. cc to cost_center).
  • Update tag values to conform to expected standards, ensuring consistency (e.g. Prod to prod).

For detailed usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see Azure Tags Mod.

Flowpipe AWS Thrifty Mod v0.3.0 – Updated the mod to run in the Wizard mode by default


What's new?

  • The mod has been updated to run in the Wizard mode by default.

Flowpipe AWS Tags Mod v0.1.0 – Added 65+ pipelines for detecting and correcting AWS Tags


What's new?

  • Detect and correct misconfigured tags across 65+ AWS resource types.
  • Automatically add mandatory tags (e.g. env, owner).
  • Clean up prohibited tags (e.g. secret, key).
  • Reconcile shorthand or misspelled tag keys to standardized keys (e.g. cc to cost_center).
  • Update tag values to conform to expected standards, ensuring consistency (e.g. Prod to prod).

For detailed usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see AWS Tags Mod.

Flowpipe CLI v0.5.0 - Mod `pull` strategy, `variable` list and show commands


What's new?

  • Add support for installing mods from a branch or from the local file system. (#849).

    To install from a branch:

    flowpipe mod install

    To reference a mod in the local file system:

    flowpipe mod install ../mods/local_mod_folder
  • Add --pull flag to mod command to control the mod update strategy. (#849). Possible update strategies are:

    • full - check branch and tags for both latest and accuracy
    • latest - update everything to latest, but only branches - not tags - are commit checked (which is the same as latest)
    • development - update branches and broken constraints to latest, leave satisfied constraints unchanged
    • minimal - only update broken constraints, do not check branches for new commits
  • Variable list and show commands. (#373)

Bug fixes

  • Pipeline references declared in subsequent files are correctly identified and processed.
  • Preserves pipeline params ordering as specified in the pipeline definition. (#408)

Flowpipe AWS Thrifty Mod v0.2.0 – Added detect and correct pipeline for DynamoDB tables with stale data


What's new?

  • Added Detect and Correct pipeline for DynamoDB tables with stale data. (#34)

Flowpipe AWS Mod v0.3.0 – Added delete_dynamodb_table pipeline


What's new?

  • Added the following new pipeline:
    • delete_dynamodb_table

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.6 - `locals` loading bug fix


Bug fixes

  • Load locals in order of dependency. (#399).

Flowpipe AWS Thrifty Mod v0.1.0 – Initial mod release


What's new?

  • Added 30 new 'detect and correct' pipelines to identify unused and underutilized AWS resources, as well as deprecated resource configurations. These pipelines also suggest potential remediation actions to optimize costs. For usage information and a full list of pipelines, please see AWS Thrifty Mod.

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.5 - Stalled pipeline execution and trigger's common attributes fixes


Bug fixes

  • Pipeline execution no longer stalls when concurrency limit is applied and if clause returns false. (#836).
  • Trigger's common attributes (title, description, tags, documentation) allow functions and expresions. (#394).

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.4 - Query step args attribute, file watcher, duplicate step names and invalid notifier reference fixes


Bug fixes

  • Param can be used in query step's args attribute. (#830).
  • File watcher now correctly detect changes in the loop block. (#808).
  • Duplicate step names are now detected and reported as an error. (#820).
  • Better error message for invalid notifier reference. (#826).

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.3 - Lazy create `flowpipe.db`, `max_concurrency` and HTTP integration output fixes


Bug fixes

  • Lazy create flowpipe.db. (#808).
  • Respect max_concurrency in pipeline and input steps. (#815).
  • Misleading error message for invalid step dependencies. (#816).
  • HTTP integration address is shown correctly at the beginning of each input step loop. (#818).

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.2 - `loop`, `max_concurrency` and error handling fixes


Bug fixes

  • loop block now works in container, function, message and input steps.
  • Use HCL expressions in max_concurrency step argument. (#800).
  • throw, retry and error block now works for input step.

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.1 - Erroneous error message, `max_concurrency`, `try()` function, and URL bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Input step respects the max_concurrency argument. (#798).
  • Erroneous error message detecting a missing credential where there isn't one.
  • HCL try() function should be evaluated at runtime rather than parse time.
  • Integration and input step URLs should use the provided custom host & port. (#792).
  • Shows filename and line number for invalid step references.

Flowpipe CLI v0.4.0 - Microsoft Teams integration and CLI argument bug fix


What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Function step output attribute should be called response not result. (#789).
  • Pipeline execution should not fail when a string argument is passed with double quotes. (#791).

Flowpipe CLI v0.3.2 - Multi-select preselected Slack option and mod reload fixes


Bug fixes

  • Multiselect Inputs with preselected Options now correctly pre-populate in Slack.
  • Change detection in throw and output block in pipeline steps works correctly with ternary operators and will not trigger mod reload for white space changes.

Flowpipe CLI v0.3.1 - Multi-select option and mod reload fixes


Bug fixes

  • Multi-select option in input step now works. (#776).
  • Input step white space changes will not trigger mod reload. (#297).

Flowpipe CLI v0.3.0 – Human workflow, Slack and email messaging, Import Steampipe credentials, Concurrency controls.


What's new?

  • Workflow - message step for easy notifications. Documentation.
  • Workflow - input step for buttons, text and other data. Documentation.
  • Workflow - simple, reusable integration and notifier configuration for HTTP, Slack and Email. Documentation
  • Import Steampipe connections as Flowpipe credentials. Documentation.
  • Manage concurrency of pipelines and steps.
  • New credential types: alicloud and mastodon.
  • Shorter hash for HTTP triggers for simpler URLs.
  • DuckDB support in query step & trigger.
  • Step metadata, like started_at and finished_at added under a flowpipe attribute.
  • Moved flowpipe.db into the mod-level .flowpipe directory.
  • connection_string in query step and trigger renamed to database.


Bug fixes

  • log_level workspace setting is now respected (#618).
  • Default listen flag should be network, not localhost (#694)
  • Trigger attributes are now validated (#225).
  • Pipeline output attributes are now validated (#239).
  • Pipeline param default value data type is now validated against the specified type (#262).
  • Removed titles when merging multiple error messages (#263).
  • Runtime resolution of pipeline reference and credentials are now working correctly. (#732).
  • Scheduled triggers are now re-scheduled when mod files have changed.
  • File watcher reliability improvements.

Flowpipe Zendesk Mod v0.1.2 – Fixed metadata param type in create_ticket pipeline


Bug fixes

  • Updated metadata param type in create_ticket pipeline to be consistent with similar param types.

Flowpipe Vault Mod v0.1.1 – Fixed secret param type in create_secret pipeline


Bug fixes

  • Fixed secret param type in create_secret pipeline.

Flowpipe Samples v0.4.1 - Fixed broken links in new sample READMEs


Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken links to credential import docs in various sample READMEs.

Flowpipe Samples v0.4.0 - Added new samples highlighting query trigger, input and message steps


What's new?

  • Added the following new sample mods: (#108)
    • add_s3_bucket_cost_center_tags
    • aws_iam_access_key_events_notifier_with_multiple_pipelines
    • aws_iam_access_key_events_notifier_with_single_pipeline
    • deactivate_expired_aws_iam_access_keys_using_queries
    • deactivate_expired_aws_iam_access_keys_with_approval
    • notify_new_aws_iam_access_keys


  • Updated all AWS, Azure, PagerDuty, Slack, Zendesk library mod dependency versions in several sample mods. (#108)

Flowpipe Zendesk Mod v0.1.1 – Removed duplicate ticket_id param from update_ticket_comment pipeline


Bug fixes

  • Removed duplicate ticket_id param from update_ticket_comment pipeline.

Flowpipe PagerDuty Mod v0.1.1 – Fixed invalid type declaration for input parameter in create_user pipeline


Bug fixes

  • Fixed invalid type for license param in create_user pipeline. (#6)

Flowpipe Azure Mod v0.1.1 – Fixed several param types in Compute VM test pipelines


Bug fixes

  • Fixed mismatched types for generate_ssh_keys param in various Compute VM test pipelines.

Flowpipe Slack Mod v0.2.1 – Fixed the type mismatch of the input parameter in the get_channel_history pipeline


Bug fixes

  • Fixed the type mismatch of the input parameter in the get_channel_history pipeline. (#20)

Flowpipe CLI v0.2.3 – Podman support, respect Docker env vars, complete all step retries before failing


Bug fixes

  • Only trigger pipeline failure after a step has completed all retries (#630).
  • DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_API_VERSION, DOCKER_CERT_PATH, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY environment variables are now correctly passed to the Docker client (#651).
  • Do not set memory_swappiness when using Podman (#652).

Flowpipe GitHub Mod v0.2.0 – Added create_branch, delete_branch and get_branch pipelines


What's new?

  • Added create_branch, delete_branch and get_branch pipelines. (#10)

Flowpipe Slack Mod v0.2.0 – Added pipeline get_channel_id


What's new?

  • Added pipeline get_channel_id. (#17).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the input parameters of the test_post_message pipeline. (#17)

Flowpipe CLI v0.2.2 – Container and function steps build error and complex data type handling


Bug fixes

  • Build error no longer suppressed in container and function steps (#625).
  • Handles complex data types in step output (#626).

Flowpipe GCP Mod v0.2.0 – Fix commands in add_labels_to_compute_disk and add_labels_to_compute_instance pipelines


Bug fixes

  • Fix the commands in add_labels_to_compute_disk and add_labels_to_compute_instance pipelines. (#7)

Flowpipe CLI v0.2.1 – Handle null values in query trigger


Bug fixes

  • Map MySQL query results to correct types (#604).
  • Handle null values in query trigger results (#611).
  • Convert binary data in query results to a string.
  • Docker containers now clear the cache to get correct parameters (#561).
  • Improved error message when Flowpipe CLI port is already in use (#603).

Flowpipe CLI v0.2.0 – Database query trigger, GET & POST methods for HTTP trigger, set a timeout for steps


What's new?

  • Query trigger type to watch & event on database changes. Documentation.
  • HTTP trigger can now handle both GET and POST methods. Documentation.
  • Query steps & triggers now support Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, and Postgres.
  • Define container step using a source argument for inline image definitions.
  • Add a timeout to pipeline steps.
  • Enable or disable triggers using the enabled attribute.
  • Improved and expanded output for flowpipe server.
  • Improved and standardized output for CLI list and show commands.
  • Expanded intervals available in schedule and query triggers (e.g. 5m, 10m, etc).
  • New credential types: BitBucket, Datadog, Freshdesk, JumpCloud, ServiceNow, Turbot Guardrails.
  • Automatic check & notify for new CLI versions.

Bug fixes

  • Implemented a more descriptive error message for server startup failures.
  • Fixed Step Arguments unable to be referenced in the Pipeline definition.
  • Added missing execution_mode argument to HTTP Trigger (#533).
  • Fixed args arguments unable to be updated in the Pipeline Step loop block (#559).
  • Fixed an issue in the bootstrap process for identifying the config path.

Flowpipe Samples v0.3.0 - Added query_and_stop_aws_ec2_instances_by_tag sample mod and fixed bugs in README


What's new?

  • Added the query_and_stop_aws_ec2_instances_by_tag sample mod that can be used with Flowpipe. (#99)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the README docs to use --arg instead of --pipeline-arg as the argument flag. (#102)
  • Fixed the link for installing mod dependencies in all the README docs. (#98)

Flowpipe IP2Locationio Mod v0.2 – Updated credential section of README to use api_key instead of token


Bug fixes

  • Updated the credential section of README to use api_key instead of token. (#7)

Flowpipe CLI v0.1.1 – Fixed inaccurate SQL query string validation


Bug fixes

  • Removed inaccurate SQL Query string validation to check for arguments. (#516)

Flowpipe Samples v0.1.0 - 35 new mods


35 new, ready-to-use Flowpipe sample mods are now available! These mods serve as practical examples, showcasing the patterns and applications of various library mods. Every mod comes with specific instructions for installation and use, enabling fast and easy setup.

A full list of sample mods can be found in the Flowpipe Hub and the source code is available at turbot/flowpipe-samples.

Flowpipe CLI v0.1 – Initial release


Introducing Flowpipe, a cloud scripting engine. Automation and workflow to connect your clouds to the people, systems and data that matter. Pipelines for DevOps written in HCL.

Initial support for:

  • Pipeline execution
  • Steps: container, email, function, http, pipeline, query, sleep, transform
  • Triggers: schedule, http
  • Credential management
  • Mod composition

Learn more at:

Flowpipe Library Mods - 28 new mods
