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Conditional Execution

You can conditionally execute a step using the if argument:

pipeline "notify_unencrypted" {
step "query" "unencrypted_vols" {
database = "postgres://steampipe@localhost:9193/steampipe"
sql = "select arn from aws_ebs_volume where not encrypted"
step "http" "notify_slack" {
if = length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows) > 0
url = ""
method = "post"
request_body = jsonencode({
text = "Unencrypted Volumes: ${join(", ", step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows[*].arn)}"

Flowpipe does not provide else or case arguments to step, but you can mimic the behavior by using different conditions in multiple steps:

pipeline "notify_unencrypted" {
step "query" "unencrypted_vols" {
database = "postgres://steampipe@localhost:9193/steampipe"
sql = "select arn from aws_ebs_volume where not encrypted"
step "http" "notify_slack" {
if = length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows) > 0
url = ""
method = "post"
request_body = jsonencode({
text = "There are ${length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows)} unencrypted volumes!"
step "http" "notify_slack_all_encrypted" {
if = length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows) == 0
url = ""
method = "post"
request_body = jsonencode({
text = "All Volumes are encrypted!"

In this instance, you could accomplish the same thing using conditional expressions:

pipeline "notify_unencrypted" {
step "query" "unencrypted_vols" {
database = "postgres://steampipe@localhost:9193/steampipe"
sql = "select arn from aws_ebs_volume where not encrypted"
step "http" "notify_slack" {
url = ""
method = "post"
request_body = (length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows) > 0
? jsonencode({ text = "There are ${length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows)} unencrypted volumes!" })
: jsonencode({ text = "All Volumes are encrypted!" })

or string directives:

pipeline "notify_unencrypted" {
step "query" "unencrypted_vols" {
database = "postgres://steampipe@localhost:9193/steampipe"
sql = "select arn from aws_ebs_volume where not encrypted"
step "http" "notify_slack" {
url = ""
method = "post"
request_body = jsonencode({ text = "%{if length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows) > 0}There are ${length(step.query.unencrypted_vols.rows)} unencrypted volumes! %{else} All Volumes are encrypted! %{endif}" })