
The locals block defines and sets one or more local variables, using standard HCL assignment syntax. The locals are scoped to the mod, and a mod may contain multiple locals blocks. Locals may reference other values in the mod, including other local values.

You can reference local values as local.<NAME>.

Example Usage

locals {
pipes_api_version = "latest"
pipes_baseurl = "https://pipes.turbot.com"
pipes_cred_file = "~/.steampipe/internal/pipes.turbot.com.tptt"
locals {
pipes_api_url = "${local.pipes_baseurl}/api/${local.pipes_api_version}"
pipeline "list_my_workspaces" {
step "http" "list_workspaces" {
url = "${local.pipes_api_url}/actor/workspace"
request_headers = {
Authorization = "Bearer ${file(local.pipes_cred_file)}"
output "workspaces" {
value = step.http.list_workspaces.response_body.items[*].handle