
Every mod must contain a mod.fp file with a single mod block.

The mod block contains metadata for the mod (including metadata used in the hub site and social media), as well as dependency data. A mod author may edit the mod block directly, but Flowpipe will also edit the file, adding, removing, and modifying dependencies in the file when users add and remove mods via the flowpipe mod commands. For this reason, it is recommended that the mod.fp only contain a mod block; do not add other mod resources (trigger, pipeline, etc) to this file.

The block label is the mod name. Mod names use lower_snake_case. They may contain lowercase chars, numbers, or underscores, and must start with a letter.

Example - Library mod with Hub Metadata

mod "aws" {
# hub metadata
title = "AWS Library"
description = "Run pipelines to supercharge your AWS workflows using Flowpipe."
color = "#FF9900"
documentation = file("./docs/")
icon = "/images/flowpipe/build/turbot/aws.svg"
categories = ["aws", "library"]
opengraph {
title = "AWS Library Mod for Flowpipe"
description = "Run pipelines to supercharge your AWS workflows using Flowpipe."
image = "/images/flowpipe/build/turbot/aws-social-graphic.png"
require {
flowpipe {
min_version = "0.1.0"

Example - Composite Mod with Dependency

mod "deactivate_expired_aws_iam_access_keys" {
title = "Deactivate expired AWS IAM keys"
description = "Deactivates AWS IAM keys that have been active for a certain period of time."
require {
flowpipe {
min_version = "0.1.0"
mod "" {
version = "v0.0.2-dev-samples.3"
args = {
region = var.aws_region
access_key_id = var.aws_access_key_id
secret_access_key = var.aws_secret_access_key

Argument Reference

categoriesList(String)OptionalA list of labels, used to categorize mods (such as on the Flowpipe Hub).
colorStringOptionalA hexadecimal RGB value to use as the color scheme for the mod on
descriptionStringOptionalA string containing a short description.
documentationString (Markdown)OptionalA markdown string containing a long form description, used as documentation for the mod on
iconStringOptionalThe URL of an icon to use for the mod on
opengraphBlockOptionalBlock of metadata for use in social media applications that support Opengraph metadata.
requireBlockOptionalA block that specifies one or more mod dependencies.
tagsMapOptionalA map of key:value metadata for the mod, used to categorize, search, and filter.
titleStringOptionalThe display title of the mod.


The opengraph block is an optional block of metadata for use in social media applications that support Opengraph metadata.

descriptionStringThe Opengraph description (og:description) of the mod, for use in social media applications.
titleStringThe Opengraph display title (og:title) of the mod, for use in social media applications.

Mod Dependencies

A mod may contain a require block to specify version dependencies for the Flowpipe CLI and other mods. While it is possible to edit this section manually, Flowpipe will also modify it (including reordering and removing comments) when you run a flowpipe mod command to install, update, or uninstall a mod.

A mod may specify a dependency on the Flowpipe CLI. Flowpipe will evaluate the dependency when the mod is loaded and will error if the constraint is not met, but it will not install or upgrade the CLI. A flowpipe constraint specifies a minimum version, and does not support semver syntax:

flowpipe {
min_version = "0.1.0"

A mod may specify dependencies on other mods. While you can manually edit the mod dependencies in the mod.fp, they are more commonly managed by Flowpipe when you install, update, or uninstall mods via the flowpipe mod commands. The version can be an exact version or a semver string:

require {
mod "" {
version = "^0.10"
mod "" {
version = "*"