
A pipeline is a sequence of steps to do work. Pipelines may define:

  • Steps (step) to perform specific actions, such as running a query, making an http request, or running another pipeline. By default, steps will run in parallel but Flowpipe will automatically serialize steps based on implicit (HCL reference) or explicit (depends_on) dependencies.
  • Parameters (param) to allow you to pass arguments explicitly or from a trigger.
  • Outputs (output) to return data or status.

You can run a pipeline manually from the command line or define a trigger that will start the pipeline in response to an event when running flowpipe server.


descriptionStringOptionalA description of the pipeline.
documentationStringOptionalA markdown string containing a long form description, used as documentation for the mod on hub.steampipe.io.
max_concurrencyNumberOptionalThe maximum number of instances of the pipeline that can be run at a time. By default, there is no limit.
paramBlockOptionalA param block that defines the parameters that can be passed into the pipeline.
outputBlockOptionalone or more output blocks to return values from the pipeline
stepBlockOptionalone or more steps to run
tagsMapOptionalA map of key:value metadata for the benchmark, used to categorize, search, and filter. The structure is up to the mod author and varies by benchmark and provider.
titleStringOptionalDisplay title for the pipeline.

Attributes (Read-Only)

errorsListList of error objects from the pipeline.
outputmapmap of outputs defined and set by the pipeline.


One or more param blocks may optionally be used in a pipeline to define parameters that the pipeline accepts.

You can then use the parameter value in the pipeline with the param object:


defaultAnyA value to use if no argument is passed for this parameter when the query is run.
descriptionStringA description of the parameter.
enumSetA set of allowed values for the param; no other values are allowed.
tagsMapA map of key:value metadata for the benchmark, used to categorize, search, and filter. The structure is up to the mod author and varies by benchmark and provider.
typeStringThe data type of the parameter: a primitive type string, number, bool, connection, connection.{type}, notifier, or a collection type list(), map(), or any (default any).


Output values make information from your pipeline run available to the caller. Output values are similar to return values in programming languages.


descriptionStringA description of the output.
valueAnyThe value to export. (required)