flowpipe pipeline

List, view, and run Flowpipe pipelines.


flowpipe pipeline list [args]
flowpipe pipeline show pipeline_name [args]
flowpipe pipeline run pipeline_name [args]


listList pipelines from the current mod and its direct dependents.
runRun a pipeline from the current mod or its direct dependents or from a Flowpipe server instance.
showShow details of a pipeline from the current mod or its direct dependents.


FlagApplies toDescription
--arg string=stringrunSpecify the value of a pipeline argument. Multiple --arg arguments may be passed.
--detachrunStart the pipeline and return immediately. By default, flowpipe pipeline run will run the pipeline and wait for the results. You may only use --detach when running a pipeline from a server instance (by specifying --host, for example).
--execution-idrunSpecify pipeline execution id. Execution id will generated if not provided.
--var string=stringrunSpecify the value of a variable. Multiple --var arguments may be passed.
--var-file stringsrunSpecify an .fpvar file containing variable values.
--verboserunView detailed event information, including step arguments and attributes.


List pipelines:

flowpipe pipeline list

List pipelines in JSON format:

flowpipe pipeline list --output json

View pipeline details:

flowpipe pipeline show my_pipeline

Run a pipeline in the current mod:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipeline

Run a pipeline with verbose output:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipeline --verbose

Run a pipeline in a direct dependency mod:

flowpipe pipeline run my_dependency_mod.pipeline.my_pipeline

Run a pipeline and pass parameters:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipeline --arg my_string_param="my name" --arg 'my_list_param=["Owner","Application","Environment"]'

Run a pipeline from the local server instance (started with flowpipe server):

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipe --host local


flowpipe pipeline run my_pipe --host http://localhost:7103

Start a pipeline from the local server instance and run it asynchronously:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipe --host local --detach

Run a pipeline from a remote server instance:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipe --host http://flowpipe.mycompany.com:7103

Run a pipeline from a remote server instance, do not verify the TLS certificate:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipe --host http://flowpipe.mycompany.com:7103 --insecure

Run a pipeline using settings from a workspace:

flowpipe pipeline run my_pipeline --workspace my_workspace