flowpipe process

Manage Flowpipe variables in the current mod and its direct dependents.


flowpipe process [command] [flags]


listList processes.
tailDisplay events for a processes running in server mode. If the process is still running, Flowpipe will tail the process until it completes. You may only use --output json or --output yaml for processes that are stopped.
showShow details for a single process.


FlagApplies toDescription
--verbosetailView detailed event information, including step arguments and attributes.


List processes:

flowpipe process list

List processes for a server instance:

flowpipe process list --host local

View process information:

flowpipe process show exec_cl4l9ibjtoj9mk6ol0l0

View process events:

flowpipe process tail exec_cl4l9ibjtoj9mk6ol0l0 --host local

View detailed process events:

flowpipe process tail exec_cl4l9ibjtoj9mk6ol0l0 --host local --verbose

List processes in JSON format:

flowpipe process list --output json