flowpipe variable

Manage Flowpipe variables in the current mod and its direct dependents.


flowpipe variable [command]
flowpipe variable show variable_name [args]


listList variables from the current mod and its direct dependents.
showShow details of a variable from the current mod or its direct dependents.


List variables:

flowpipe variable list

List all variables in JSON format:

flowpipe variable list --output json

List variables using settings from a workspace:

flowpipe variable list --workspace my_workspace

Show details of a single variable in the current mod:

flowpipe variable show mandatory_tags

Show details of a single variable in a direct dependency mod:

flowpipe variable show aws_tags.mandatory_tags

Show details of a variable in JSON format:

flowpipe variable show mandatory_tags --output json

Show details of a variable using settings from a workspace:

flowpipe variable show mandatory_tags -workspace my_workspace