
The steampipe credential import resource allows you to bulk import credentials from Steampipe connections. This allows you to import the plugin credentials from your Steampipe installation into Flowpipe.

credential_import "steampipe" {
source = "~/.steampipe/config/*.spc"
connections = ["*"]


sourceStringOptionalPath to the config file(s) with the connections to import. Defaults to ~/.steampipe/config/*.spc.
connectionsList<String>OptionalA list of connection names to import. You may use the * globbing wildcard in these entries. The default is ["*"] (all connections).
prefixStringOptionalA string to prepend to the connection name to create the credential name.


Import ALL Steampipe connections

credential_import "steampipe" {}


credential_import "steampipe" {
source = "~/.steampipe/config/*.spc"
connections = ["*"]

Import ALL Steampipe connections and prefix them

credential_import "steampipe" {
prefix = "sp_"

Import specific Steampipe connections only

credential_import "steampipe" {
source = "~/.steampipe/config/aws.spc"
connections = ["aws_prod*", "aws_all"]