Environment Variables

Flowpipe supports environment variables to allow you to change its default behavior. These are optional settings - You are not required to set any environment variables.

Note that plugins may also support environment variables, but these are plugin-specific - refer to your plugin's documentation on the Flowpipe Hub for details.

Flowpipe Environment Variables

FLOWPIPE_BASE_URLhttp://localhost:7103Set the base URL to use for triggers and integrations. This is the base URL that Flowpipe advertises when it interacts with external systems to allow them to call back to Flowpipe.
FLOWPIPE_CONFIG_PATH.:$FLOWPIPE_INSTALL_DIR/configSet the search path for configuration files. FLOWPIPE_CONFIG_PATH accepts a colon-separated list of directories.
FLOWPIPE_HOSTnoneSet the remote Flowpipe API host to connect to. This allows you to run Flowpipe commands against a flowpipe host instead of the current working directory / mod location.
FLOWPIPE_INSTALL_DIR~/.flowpipeSet the installation directory for flowpipe. Internal flowpipe files will be written to this path.
FLOWPIPE_LISTENnetworkSpecifies the IP addresses on which flowpipe server will listen for connections from clients. Currently supported values are local (localhost only) or network (all IP addresses).
FLOWPIPE_LOG_LEVELoffSet the logging output level
FLOWPIPE_MAX_CONCURRENCY_CONTAINER25Set the maximum number of container step instances that can execute concurrently across all pipeline instances.
FLOWPIPE_MAX_CONCURRENCY_FUNCTION50Set the maximum number of function step instances that can execute concurrently across all pipeline instances.
FLOWPIPE_MAX_CONCURRENCY_HTTP500Set the maximum number of http step instances that can execute concurrently across all pipeline instances.
FLOWPIPE_MAX_CONCURRENCY_QUERY50Set the maximum number of query step instances that can execute concurrently across all pipeline instances.
FLOWPIPE_MEMORY_MAX_MB1024Set a soft memory limit for the flowpipe process.
FLOWPIPE_MOD_LOCATIONcurrent working directorySet the workspace working directory
FLOWPIPE_PORT7103Specifies the TCP port on which flowpipe server will listen for connections from clients.
FLOWPIPE_TELEMETRYinfoSet the level of telemetry data to collect and send
FLOWPIPE_UPDATE_CHECKtrueEnable/disable automatic update checking
FLOWPIPE_WORKSPACEdefaultSet the Flowpipe workspace . This can be named workspace from workspaces.fpc or a remote Flowpipe Cloud workspace
PIPES_INSTALL_DIR~/.pipesSet the installation directory for files used with Turbot Pipes, such as login tokens.