Sets the search path for configuration files. FLOWPIPE_CONFIG_PATH accepts a colon-separated list of directories.

All configuration files (*.fpc) will be loaded from each path, with decreasing precedence. The default is the mod location, followed by the config directory in the FLOWPIPE_INSTALL_DIR: .:$FLOWPIPE_INSTALL_DIR/config. This allows you to manage your workspaces and credentials centrally in the ~/.flowpipe/config directory, but override them in the working directory/mod-location if desired.


Set the configuration search path to the current mod location, followed by /flowpipe

export FLOWPIPE_CONFIG_PATH=.:/flowpipe

Set the configuration search path to ~/.flowpipe/config but don't include the mod location

export FLOWPIPE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.flowpipe/config

Reset the configuration search path to the default: