Run Pipelines
A Flowpipe pipeline is a sequence of steps to do work. Pipelines are distributed in mods. To run a pipeline, change to the mod directory and run flowpipe pipeline run {pipeline name}:
By default, Flowpipe will load the mod from the current working directory, but you can load a mod from another directory and run its pipelines with the --mod-location argument:
If you are running a Flowpipe server you can connect to the server instance and run one of its pipelines on the server with the --host argument:
By default, flowpipe pipeline run will stream event information to the console as the pipeline runs, and will wait for the pipeline to complete before exiting. If you are running against a server instance (with --host) then you can choose to run the command asynchronously instead. If you pass the --detach flag, Flowpipe will not wait for the pipeline to complete:
If you have defined workspaces you can use a workspace with the --workspace argument:
You can see what pipelines are available to run in the mod:
The flowpipe pipeline show command will provide more detail about a single pipeline, including usage information:
As with all Flowpipe commands, you can specify a different output format if you prefer:
You can pass arguments for any pipeline parameters that are defined with the --arg argument.
Complex types like lists and maps will need to be quoted - single quotes usually work best so you don't have to escape the inner double quotes:
You may pass multiple --arg arguments as needed:
Likewise, you can pass variables with one or more --var arguments:
Use flowpipe process list to see the details of current and prior pipeline runs:
Or use flowpipe process show to see the status of a single process, by its ID:
If you started a pipeline run in a flowpipe server instance, you can even tail the details of the pipeline process as it runs: